Why Vampire Rave?

We all came to be on Vampire Rave for a reason. Maybe because we were searching about vampires and like-minded people? How did you become a Member of the site? Inquisitive minds wanted to know.

Following is the questions that was placed in the forum, answered by past and present House Members.

How did you get involved here?

What are your beliefs and thoughts on vampires?

What types of movies and/or books do you think influenced your beliefs and thoughts?

What type of vampire are you?

Following is the answers of those who chosen to share.

We start with our beloved House Master Vampirewitch39

≈How did I get involved here?

I was looking up vampires, something to do with a Buffy show I had just watched. And Vampire Rave pulled up on top of that list. :) I looked around, made a profile that night. Been here since. Close to 5 years. (As of 2023- 17 years)

≈What are my beliefs and thoughts on vampires?

The ones who say they have to drink blood not food, who say they can't go out in the daylight and that they have lived 2000 years- bullshit.

The ones who 'feed' off peoples energy? Yes. I mean...don't we all do that? When someone is crying, doesn't your heart sink a little? When you are sad and someone happy starts laughing, don't you at least smile? I do believe there are those who feed off others in this way. And VR is full of those who 'feed' off stirring shit/drama. Of course- all online sites have those kinds.

≈What types of movies and/or books do you think influenced your beliefs and thoughts?

Buffy lead me to the site, also the old TV show called Dark Shadows which I would watch on my mother's lap at night when I could not sleep. She loved horror and monster movies and was great at letting me watch them with her. :) Yes- I have a cool mom.

≈What type of vampire are you?

I would not say I am one. I can feel the energy of certain people when I have known them a long time. Anger from strangers makes my skin tingle. But I wonder if that is more to do with the pagan side of me? Thus the screen name. :)

≈If you have some personal experiences you'd like to share, please write them here in this forum. With a vampire?

There have been a few people I try to stay away from in real life because I feel drain around them. And some online that seem to drain all the fun out of the day and site for me. Don't think I have ever 'experienced' a vampire though.

Our next member, the lovely Silverbow

For me it was simple.
I came from the #Vampires mIRC chatroom that was run by Cancer.

He created it and well, a bunch of us just followed. I waited longer then others before coming over but I made it and here I have been for some many years now.

:chuckles: oh.. I remember people posting urls to profiles and going "Hey.. did you see this one?" or "OMG read this one here, you will die." LOL :whistles:

Our next member is the out-spoken meeper

Let's get a few things straight.

1. I like sparkly things.
2. I make an excellent sexy vampire.
3. I am chewing trident gum as we speak.
4. I am a real vampire who will hunt you down, drink your blood, and then go shopping for new lip gloss.

Now that the most evident and superficial information is out in the open I can continue hiding away in the dark corners. See, I love the darker things in life all while maintaining a cheerful disposition. I am goth in the historical scene- art, literature, music, etc., not the trendy new age version of emo children. As I have been told- I'm too old to be emo. lol

What brought me here was Sevenn and a few people who once upon a distant time ran LBO. I had my reservations about the site and being part of a "vampire" community. While they have always intrigued me, I'm the girl who hasn't even seen any of the Twilight movies.

But I gave VR a try, and what I found was a handful of people in the entire site that kept me logging back in regardless of the twists and turns in my own life. Looking back, its been over 5 years here (and apparently I've given 107.61 days and counting of my life to this site...on this profile). You don't spend this amount of time some place if you the people are not compelling.

And of course we have PhoenicianDream

My friend used to be on here. Her name was BelleNoir.
She deleted a long time ago, but I'm still around.

Funny thing is, I knew some of these peeps before I had ever heard of VR.

And now we have our FallenAngel1217

Too be honest I don't remember. lol I think I was on Vampire Freaks and I think I saw a Vampire Rave ad. But not quite sure. lol Let's just say I don't even go on Vampire Freaks anymore lol!

And here we have Nyxgrrl

I was resarching Vampire like I normally did and come across it on Google :)

Short and kinda boring, but hey! It's how I came to be here! :)

And now here is Cerrana

I was brought here by a friend. I made a profile and was going along rather nicely. One day I logged in and someone had sent me a really nasty message. Not knowing anyone else here, I just simply self deleted. I stayed gone for some time. I was talking to the same friend a few weeks later and she was telling me that they were making Houses. She asked me if I would come back and help her do some graphics. So I did and I've been here ever since. That was nearly 5 years ago now on my main account.

I believe that people believe they are vampires. I do not believe I am a vampire. I do not believe they exist except for in our minds. But I will not argue with anyone who thinks they are a vampire. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own belief systems.

And then we have our Deathwalker253

I originally joined VR when I was still in High School. I joined because I had a lot of friends on here. I stayed because this place is amazing. I've made so many more friends, a lot of them will be for life.

Next up is OccultRanger

Why V.R.? Murphy's law. Was surfing web and came across it. Was my first and subsequently only social network.

How did I get involved here? I'm self-initiated occultist but was looking for others I could fellowship with as I tend to be a loner being hypersensitive and pick up way too much information from people and just want to do bad things to them. Been learning to focus that wrath into sublime things like blood covenants i.e. bites.

What are my beliefs and thoughts on Vampires? In a nutshell It is a spirituality that can develop naturally from past lives that crystalize in this one in the waxing and waning cycles of nature and turning of eternity. Among a community there are other dynamics that can shape that in this life too like an occult lodge to become awakened so one can be through blood rites and other catabolic processes of suffering. V.R. can do that for some that approach it in the right spirit.

What types of movies and/or books do you think influenced your beliefs and thoughts? I certainly have my favorites but ultimately it comes down to being hypersensitive and having a more powerful nervous system and the experiences of a strict childhood that is core of my character that has forged this spirituality to develop in me.

What type of vampire are you? In vernacular from The Sanguinomicon I consider myself Nosferatu and can feed from any source. Being well attuned to the Elements of the wise and nature really empowers me in ways other aren't. But those same others have things I lack.

Member LaLechuza
gave us these funny answers.

Why VR?

Because I love all things Goth. To be honest, my very first profile was in 2006 and I had just enlisted in the Army. I ended up self deleting because I was originally supposed to go overseas and wouldn't have been able to access the server in the country I was going to be deployed to. Then my orders changed and I got out due to medical issues that occurred while active duty and came back in December 2008. My main, Nekirena, was originally "NocturnalMistress". But everyone has always called me Ducky.

How did you get involved here?

Me initially finding this site was through the Database. I found an item listed here and was intrigued. The site was semi-new and from the old chat box and the Forums I kind of just got sucked into it and decided to make a profile. Been here since 2008.

What are your beliefs and thoughts on vampires?

I wouldn't necessarily be shocked to discover that vampirism is an actual thing. Scientifically there are animals and insects that survive off of blood and it's properties, so human evolution could be an interesting party to it.

What types of movies and/or books do you think influenced your beliefs and thoughts?
None do. Research and scientific studies would be more influential to me.

What type of vampire are you?

I'm no vampire. I'm La Lechuza! The Witch Owl! ;)
*Hoot hoot cackle*

A longtime member Nike Nike reply with these answers:

Why VR?
Well, the why is that I was always intrigued by the vampire. I would read any and all books I could get my hands on when I was in my youth. I had read "Interview" when I was around 10 or 11, and after that I was just hooked. It ties into the how I got here, as I was sent the link by some random person via AIM back in 2005. I took a look around and had a profile made that evening. I've been here ever since. I've had my ups and downs with the site, but VR has always been the one place where I could be totally and freely myself. I've made amazing friendships, and met amazing people. That's what's kept me here throughout the years, those connections.

What are your beliefs and thoughts on vampires?
As I said, I read a lot. Fiction, nonfiction, everything. So, I knew about psychic vampirism, the Black Veil, all of that before I had joined VR. I don't believe vampires are immortal like fiction will tell you, but I do believe there are people who lack energy and are able to take it from others. I used to be a swan, a doner, for a psychic vampire, so it would all be really silly if I didn't believe in it.

What types of movies and/or books do you think influenced your beliefs and thoughts?
I can't say any books or movies have truly influenced me or my beliefs, that's more through my personal experiences. I do have favorites, though. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles was always a win with me, though "Interview" is probably the one I've read the most. I also adore the movie from the 90's.

What type of vampire are you?
I hold no belief that I am a vampire or anything else outside of a mundane human being.

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